Selected in the Valentines Day Calendar 2011 by MagicSolver!
Do you know all you should about sex? We don´t think so!
In this new version, you will be ble to play by turns against friends (either by challenging them or accepting their invitations) and send each other messages while playing.
Download this fun test and find out if you really do. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SEX? Will teach you about many sex facts that you probably did not know and will put to the test your sex knowledge. Our lite version has 10 questions, and our complete version over 100... so when you finish it, you can call yourself a SEXPERT!
Get ready to learn all there is about sex!
***HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SEX has been the Nº1 Entertainment app in several countries, including the Spanish, Italian, French, German and Swiss AppStores!***
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